What were they thinking? Under proposed regulations argon, an inert gas and the third most common gas in the atmosphere will not longer be allowed in pesticides. By definition an inert gas cannot combine with any other element to form a compound toxic, or otherwise. This is embarrassing. It's almost like taking the water out of ice. By volume argon composes 1% of the atmosphere not the mere .03% CO2 level the agency and the Democratic Party are wring their hands over.
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is requesting public comment on a proposal to remove 72 chemicals from its list of substances approved for use as inert ingredients in pesticide products.Many in the scientific community thought they were being spoofed when told of this regulation. Now they speculate that the EPA is allowing scientific illiterate NGO's to the write regulations which it rubber stamps.
“We are taking action to ensure that these ingredients are not added to any pesticide products unless they have been fully vetted by EPA,” said Jim Jones, Assistant Administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention. “This is the first major step in our strategy to reduce risks from pesticides containing potentially hazardous inert ingredients.”
EPA is taking this action in response to petitions by the Center for Environmental Health, Beyond Pesticides, Physicians for Social Responsibility and others. These groups asked the agency to issue a rule requiring disclosure of 371 inert ingredients found in pesticide products. EPA developed an alternative strategy designed to reduce the risks posed by hazardous inert ingredients in pesticide products more effectively than by disclosure rulemaking. EPA outlined its strategy in a May 22, 2014 letter: http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPP-2014-0558-0003 to the petitioners.
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