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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Dallas lost a homeless man exposed to the Ebola virus

Older readers will remember that following the assignation of JFK the city of Dallas was branded in the national media as the epitome of municipal incompetence. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree as the grandchildren of the policemen and medical examiners that botched the response to the assassination seem to have bollixed up the quarantine and isolation of those exposed to the Ebola virus.
At a press conference yesterday after announcing that the threat of an outbreak of Ebola had been contained it was revealed that one person who had been in close proximity to patient zero was missing and could not be found. Before the ambulance that transported infected patient Thomas Eric Duncan to the hospital could be decontaminated it was dispatched to pick up a homeless man who cannot be located.

Oh goody! I cannot think of another demographic more circumspect with their bodily fluids than homeless men.
County Judge Clay Jenkins said police cannot find the man, who has been wandering the streets of Dallas and urinating God knows where for a week after potentially coming into contact with the infection.
"We are working to locate the individual and get him to a comfortable, compassionate place where we can monitor him and care for his every need for the full incubation period," Jenkins said.
Yes, maketh him lie down in green pastures beside the still water.
"I want to emphasize that he is a low risk individual and we are doing this out of precautionary measures," added Jenkins.
A low risk individual? In New Jersey the CDC detained all 255 passengers on an international flight because one man who did not have Ebola vomited. In Dallas a man who occupied the same gurney as the infected patient is low risk? If the truth be known Jenkins' grand dad got Jack Ruby a pass to see Lee Harvey Oswald leave the police station. What was the danger?
It's understandable, in fact mandatory, that governments, both national and municipal not alarm the public but truth cannot be altered to fit each circumstance. It's alright to confine 255 passengers in New Jersey just because under law the CDC can but there is no penalty for bad judgment on the part of incompetent officials. In ancient Greece army generals were elected but they were also executed for losing battles or in one case for winning the battle but losing too many men. That was public accountability!


  1. So you're saying all those Outbreak movies we've seen are full of lies? The ones where the competent teams of trained federal descend on a town to take over to make safety is a priority? You're saying those were all just MOVIES?

  2. This entire administration is a work of fiction. A generation from now people will view Bush's response to Katrina as the high water mark of government efficiency.
