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Obama countdown

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How to defy the will of the people

     First, ignore everything people email, write or tell you. 
     Then, when it gets really bad, start attacking those who disagree with you. 
      Say they're Nazis. 
     Say they're orchestrated by some vague undesignated entity, especially when you can't quite get it that ordinary citizens take to the streets in protest. 
      When THAT doesn't work (because people who were there know they have no leader, no entity, they just felt THE CALL) you have to go deeper in attack because it just isn't working. The people aren't going back to the couch. Why, what ever could be going on?
       Ok, so issue ex cathedra commands. The public, after all, LOVES you, right? 
      Well, okay, the public never really LIKED Congress but they sure did love what Obama represented, at the time he began his love affair with the American people. 
     He was a unifier, someone who was going to bring people together in a post-racial society, a society that accepted people for who they were without challenge.
     But, hm, that didn't work either, because the people didn't quite seem to fall into line, obeying decrees issued by The One, the bringer of light who had a message for the...peons. 
      So things got desperate. You lost a seat in deep blue country, a seat symbolic of the most committed of your cause. You couldn't believe it. It was an anomaly, surely. Some freak situation that you couldn't control.
      So you decided, well, then, if SIXTY is the threshold that was required to win and you didn't HAVE it anymore, in spite of that nasty monkey business in Minnesota, all you had to do was change the rules, right? 
     Since you had, for sure, 51 votes, then the threshold should be 51, right? 
     It was only fair. After all, you had swept the last election, so why should you listen to the demands of, well, the people? Who were they, after all? 
     YOU, of course, have become the elite. Those who no longer need to listen to the will of the people. You can do anything you want, including fly around the country on the government dime, charging the people the cost of any kind of food or alcohol you and your guests and family desire. Fly anywhere, to be sure.
   Oh, so you need to get to people when they are most vulnerable, you reason. That's when you can really get control of the people.
   Why, of course, when they need health care! So, in the light of majestic history (100 years!) of trying to "help the children" and bring healthy living to even the poorest among us (because they don't have Medicaid...), you write a bill that's 3,000 pages long...well, let's be honest, YOU don't really write, your staffers do (and, dang them, they exempted themselves from having to actually enroll in the same health care the PEOPLE will be enrolled in. Were they scared, or what?) and then you be sure to let the staffers know that YOU must be exempt from the health care the little people are going to be forced onto because, in two years, most insurance companies will be OUT OF BUSINESS because YOU wrote it so that they can no longer make their 3-4% profit. 
     Wait...only 3-4 % profit for insurance companies? Oh, well. Too bad, so sad. Another American business goes under, but YOUR pension is fine, soooooo.
     So, anyway, you could not BELIEVE the number of people who came to D.C. to protest YOUR actions. How does that make sense? Don't they know they belong on the couch?
   Well, all of this isn't working, so you need to take some desperate actions.
     You pull out some of the nastiest accusations that you KNOW will make them look bad. You call them racists, homophobes. You say they spat  on you. Oh, it's possible some nut case did, but you know, as you walked through that teeming crowd, you felt somewhat...intimidated. 
    It was...hurtful...that these peons didn't get it. That they dared criticize your word.
     So you mocked the people. Your guy said, as he signed the bill that would put the people into permanent servitude begging for health care, that the reason you were signing this bill was because THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANTED IT! What a slap in the face, considering only 30 some % actually were polled as wanting it.
     Oh, you KNEW that would infuriate the guy who's been off the couch for a few months. And you knew that it was a finger in the eye of that guy when you claimed that the other side was blue because Scott Brown, that anomaly who claimed YOUR seat, the KENNEDY SEAT, was a disappointment. 
     It was just so satisfying to mock him, the election and the excitement that Democrats, Republicans and independents had felt when he won. Yes, it was so satisfying because now, NOW you had complete control and you COULD face your darkest moments, those moments when you questioned why the little people had turned on their most faithful servant, a KENNEDY.
     How did you accomplish control of the little people, where you are now? 
     Well, of course, it required cheating, lying, obfuscating, not reading the bill, ignoring the Constitution, but you had VISION. You were the ANOINTED.
     And you could justify almost anything, and you sent your minions--the MSM, the MOVIE STARS, the CELEBRITIES, the GOSSIP websites, the LEFTY BLOGS.
   This was it. This was how you do it. 
    Ignore the warnings. 
    Ignore the pleas.
    Ignore the incessant and obsessive bloggers who will not let you all rest.
    Ignore the billboards.
    And, above all, ignore the Constitution and any principles you may once have held and the still small voice in your head that still whispers, every now and then (although it's getting fainter now) that what you're doing is immoral, it's wrong and it's repulsive.
   Ignore all that. 
   Lift your glass and toast your good fortune.
   Because surely it will never end.
   Will it. Let's be honest. Y'all are takin' advantage of your bully pulpit, your catbird seat.
    It ain't gonna last forever, in spite of your attempts to let felons (your natural partners) and illegals (again) vote.
    Be warned.

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