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Obama countdown

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Be of good cheer

     Well, Politico is pumping up The One's spring and summer agenda, gloating that he is "hot, hot, hot" these days. He wants to push all sorts of commie stuff through that everyone hates. I am not going to bother to link to the article, because it's all more of the depressing stuff that we've all been reading the last few weeks. You can only take so much of that and then you zone out, become overwhelmed or start to seethe in anticipation for November 2.      
     No one can live like that. 
     What we CAN do is plan...plan for Kaptur's rivals and others, *contribute to our billboard*, talk to friends and neighbors UNAFRAID, post online conservative ideas, contribute to any conservative candidate across the country...THAT kind of thing. In short, become ACTIVISTS.
    But there's something else at work here. I know the conventional wisdom is that Obama's going to get everything he wants, especially after the shameful spectacle of the horrible gloating Pelosi et al did, the goading that Obama did, the race baiting of the Dems walking through the Tea Partiers, most of whom did not lose their self control.
    Here's the bigger picture though. The reason the Dems have control of Congress is that they were able to win so many Blue Dog seats; these Blue Dogs are not by nature radical left winger commies like the nuts running the show. They've gone through hell the past few months. 
    They were begged to save the presidency of the Scold in Chief just a week or so ago. Sympathy was the last resort of a desperate, selfish man. 
     I don't think we have to assume that whatever the Scold wants from here on out, he'll get. He's spent a great deal of political capital. Congress is home now, to meet with very angry constituents. Just take a look at that Dingell town hall to see how THAT is going to go. Granted, they may run from even meeting with constituents, but the truth is their lives are not going to be the same since they took this vote, as only more ugliness will emerge day by day as we discover stuff that's in the bill, or rumored to be in the bill, such as even tampons being taxed now to pay for health care.
     Each day here on out brings all those Dems closer to the next election. While the thugs in charge are saying people will forget about health care by the time the next election arrives (which we know isn't true but theoretically delusional Dems can choose to believe), you can BET that people will NOT forget about health care if all the Dems keep voting for crappy stuff that makes the voters even madder.
   IOW, the Dems can't have it both ways. They can't tell their drones that voters will forget their traitorous behavior by the fall if they keep getting reminded by more traitorous behavior, like granting amnesty to a bunch of illegals and taxing us for breathing.
    We don't know what will happen today, or tomorrow. We sure know what happened yesterday, and that's what's got us all worried.
    So we work together for a brighter day, never losing heart and keeping faith with one another, remembering that the battle goes not just to the strong, but also to the courageous and vigilant.
    What is happening in this country is truly remarkable. If we think about what is REALLY HAPPENING without the anxiety and fear we've all been feeling and we LOOK AROUND to see our fellow citizens rising up to defend this beloved country, then we can be encouraged and realize that WE ARE SOLDIERS NOW. We have watched our kids (and their parents) march off to war to defend this country, but now WE ARE SOLDIERS TOO.
     So march on, brave warriors. I don't know about you, but I'm in it to win.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, what the Dems want to be able to count on is that conservatives will just be apathetic and quite down. They really don't get it, we are MAD AS HECK, AND NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE. With every passing day and the more we find out about the Health care bill, it makes you initially want to give up, and then it happens.... the depression clears like a morning fog and the sun rises and bids us to get up..and use the liberty so many have died for .WE MUST SPEAK, they DO NOT SPEAK FOR ME.
