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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Ten reasons for the Newtown massacre

  As usual, the minute a disaster happens, the Obamabots jump onto their blogs and newspapers to proclaim a cure by:  
  1)  getting rid of conservatives  
  2) banning guns   
  3)  offering new legislation that will restrict freedom in a country of over 300 million people, some of whom are mentally ill and many of whom are on some serious medications that cause aberrant behavior
  Let's just get something clear about the causes of hideous events like Friday's shooting of innocent children.
  The problem isn't accessibility to guns. A determined individual can find many ways to kill people if he wants to and getting illegal guns isn't a problem for the criminal so banning weapons from the hands of responsible folks won't solve the problem.
  IMHO, here are the roots of Friday's massacre:

1) Liberals are the ones who passed laws for the least restrictive environments for the mentally ill citizens who used to be locked up in mental institutions. Back in 1984 when the New York Times was closer to actually being a paper of record, this article chronicled the deteriorating mental health industry. False promises, an overconfidence in the abilities of psychiatrists, financial cutbacks and a belief in new drugs being developed for the market led to most mental centers being shut down or greatly minimized:
THE policy that led to the release of most of the nation's mentally ill patients from the hospital to the community is now widely regarded as a major failure. Sweeping critiques of the policy, notably the recent report of the American Psychiatric Association, have spread the blame everywhere, faulting politicians, civil libertarian lawyers and psychiatrists.
[SNIP] and
Charles Schlaifer, a New York advertising executive who served as secretary-treasurer of the group, said he was now disgusted with the advice presented by leading psychiatrists of that day. ''Tranquilizers became the panacea for the mentally ill,'' he said. ''The state programs were buying them by the carload, sending the drugged patients back to the community and the psychiatrists never tried to stop this. Local mental health centers were going to be the greatest thing going, but no one wanted to think it through.''
  In Ohio, Senate bill 336 released mental patients into the wild with the promise that community organizations would handle the mentally ill better than "institutions." 
  In 1978, there were over 1000 patients at the Toledo Mental Health Center. 
  In 2006, there were 68, most of whom were forensic (criminally insane). Undoubtedly some of the 1000 shouldn't have been at TMHC, but where do you think the others landed?
  They're out on the street, "homeless," like the fellow who was given shoes by the New York cop and two days later was back on his street corner, shoeless, having abandoned his state provided apartment.

2) This false hope in the drugs of the future has led to a drugged population, not a diagnosed and treated population, obviously not all for mental illnesses but a pathology that drugs can treat everything. Who doesn't know an elderly person who takes a cocktail of drugs every single day? I know one woman who takes 28 drugs a day. 
  An overdependency on medication has led to a nation of drug takers, while the truly disturbed individual falls through the cracks of an overburdened system which leads to my next point.
  Yet in some parts of the country (like the California deserts) people who are dependent on the government for their health care have few resources; actual centers and doctors are scarce. Because the government so severely limits payments to doctors, some providers, medical facilities and physicians simply do not want to deal with the inefficiencies of government bureaucracies.
  Michelle Obama knew this in her work with the University of Chicago Medical Center, where she developed a patient dumping scheme that would, at the expense of the patient, run patients out of the University of Chicago to another hospital a distance away that would have to bear the costs of the indigent.
  Do we really trust these people? Do we really think with the massive expense of Obamacare these matters will improve?
  And what about people who try to deal with their children's off kilter or belligerent behavior? This is where tax dollars should be spent. Instead we have elaborate special ed programs in schools with IEPs for nearly every student, exceptions for testing and assignments. 

3) We now have a problem with an over diagnosis of labeling people who do not have true psychiatric impairments with "disorders." 
  Take, for example, the statistic that 1 out of 5 people fall in the autistic spectrum. Money follows, as does extra help in schools. Schools and students' parents become dependent on the money, finding an advantage in the diagnosis. "Professionals" feel that they have done good work because they have a "prescription" for the needy, or at least the complainers.
  How can the truly impaired individual get help when the system is so clogged with minutiae of government regulations and new "disorders" appearing regularly? I know a teacher who was not allowed to require a student with "pen disorder" to use ink on tests. 
  The system is overwhelmed, which is perhaps the intent of the psychiatric community, whose services are required and whose rates go up. The waters are so muddied it's difficult to discern truth.

4)  The whining of the 60s hippies who tuned out, drugged and sexed up has come to full fruition. There's an excuse for everything and everyone. Rather than take responsibility for one's behavior, instead a drug is prescribed, an aide is assigned, an IEP is written and special rules and regulations are required of employers, teachers and parents. Wow. That's a "prescription" for success.

  5) Today's children are inundated with violent imagery, to the point that real violence does not seem real
  How many people said on 9/11 that what they were watching on television seemed "like a movie"? 
  That is not to say that people necessarily become violent by watching violence or playing violent video games, but you cannot argue that once violent imagery is introduced into the brain's eye, that violent imagery imprints itself on the psyche. 
  Once the sick individual finds violent imagery no longer satisfying, is it a leap to think that he then wants to participate himself? 
  Certainly Ted Bundy admitted that looking at soft core porn when he was an adolescent was the gateway for becoming the monster he was. Porn of the sickest and most perverted is easily accessible, particularly violence porn to children and adults alike.
  Hollywood needs to take responsibility for the perverted bilge they produce, not the least of which is Tarantino's  violent blacks on whites latest film endeavor. This film will be guaranteed to lead to more Black on white crime, to breed resentment and hatred and exalt the violent. Just wait. 
  In the height of hypocrisy, Jamie Foxx ("I get to kill all the white people. How black is that?) and Quentin Tarantino have released statements about Hollywood's connection to a violent culture and the Newtown events?
The latest person to comment on this is actor Jamie Foxx, who, a bit ironically, stars in Django Unchained – Quentin Tarantino’s upcoming flick about slavery, which will feature quite a lot of explicit and violent scenes. While promoting the film on Saturday, the star braved the difficult topic, saying that Hollywood can no longer ignore the fact that on-screen violence influences people on some level. 
"We cannot turn our back and say that violence in films or anything that we do doesn't have a sort of influence. It does," Fox said in an interview. Meanwhile, director Quentin Tarantino, who is known for his extremely violent and gory scenes, which are all part of his signature style, is once again struggling to defend his artistic freedom. Tarantino went on a bit of a tangent, explaining that he was tired of defending his films each time the nation was shocked by gun violence. He stated that “tragedies happen” and that blame should fall on those guilty of the crimes.
  Yes, blame should fall on the guilty of the crimes. Does this mean Tarantino is NOT calling for more gun control?   
The elites like Bloomberg, who wants to restrict air conditioning for others but has a ROOM air conditioner attached to his car while he's in a meeting, want to steal all the weapons from good citizens while he and his ilk have bodyguards who carry weapons. How messed up is THAT, considering those same people were ABSENT when Fast and Furious ended up murdering over 300 Mexicans and several American border agents.
6) Not the least of all the reasons listed in this blog post is the fact that we continue to mock the religious, pass laws against religious freedom, remove God from all aspects of education and government and then Leftists wonder why in this tremendous vacuum of spirituality anyone could be so crazy as to kill 6 year olds violently, execution style and with no less than 3 bullets per child.
  Blaize Pascal said this:
“There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus.”
  Surely this God shaped vacuum has been filled by Leftists in Hollywood, the psychiatric community, the schools and government.

  7) Children can see the contradiction and hypocrisy of extreme sensitivity to words but not to actual behavior. The establishment/culture can ruin someone's life and career for using a politically incorrect word and holding a stance contrary to Leftist ethos, but bizarre behavior is excused, including extreme racism against whites, Jews, Christians, sexual habits, violence against girlfriends if you're a sports/movie star and support of anti-cultural and anti-American  organizations. 
  Thus Sean Penn, a fabulously successful and wealthy movie star, can exalt and mourn the poor health of Hugo Chavez, the murderer and dictator.

  8) EVIL exists. 
  This denial of a malevolent power has initiated great mockery from the Left, who see no conflict in the monstrous events and their denial of EVIL, both carnate and incarnate.
  But of course an evil being cannot exist because, in Leftist minds, God does not, at least not the Judeo-Christian God, which leads to my next point.

  9) Leftists deny it, but GOD exists, and not the fawning, uninterested, amorphous grandfatherly figure depicted by the "spiritual" seers of our time.
  Leftists see "Christ"mas as an opportunity to present mere LOVE as the answer to all of society's ills. 
  Just watch a Christmas Lifetime or Hallmark Channel movie and you'll see how God and Christ have been removed from the "holiday." Instead insipid movies are filmed about how human love at its summit will purify and elevate man to a god-like place in the universe. 
  Of course, no absolute truth exists, so man can easily take the place of God Himself. Oh, perhaps we can claim that some sort of Star Wars "force" exists in the universe, but this is not a loving personal God who guides and governs the universe.

10) It must be said. The culture of death that is beginning to pervade our culture needs to be counteracted. 
  Elders are drugged, "palliative" care is urged rather than treatment, abortions encouraged and "options" must be discussed that usually include ending a life.
  Every disaster has its own theme music, special graphics and melancholy anchors conducting interview after interview, reporting the wrong facts and ASKING CHILDREN WHAT IT FELT LIKE TO HAVE BEEN PART OF A MASSACRE.

  How do we know #9 is the answer to what happened on Friday in Newtown, Connecticut?
  I can only answer this for myself.
  Where is the fastest growing Christian church in the world?
  In one of the most repressive, pro-death cultures on the planet, China. Even in Syria, where Christians and dissenters are being murdered by a maniacal dictator, the Christian church thrives, a decision that can easily result in torture and/or death.
  How is this possible if no God exists? Where do these individuals derive their strength, if not from a supernatural force? 
  It is in those still small moments of the heart, it is in the moments of tremendous hurt and wounding that we seek and need God.
  The depravity of the human condition is only more evidence of the presence of God in contrast. 
  Why need God when everything's going well? Indeed are not prosperity and security the enemies of God more than torture and death? It is those conditions in which we do not need Him--because we are content, undisturbed and off-guard-- that we do not hear His voice or need his presence.
  The growing Christian churches in China and Syria, then, are evidence that He exists, that He is near when we need Him and that He has not deserted us.
  Thus we can see the events of the last few months as a call to arms, not a an indication that God has deserted us. He allows these things to happen, for this highly evolved species to express its true nature; He's calling us.
  He calls.
  Perhaps now we'll answer.
  This is America's wake-up call; the problem isn't guns. It's the heart. We must be personally involved to change the culture at every level.
  Christ Himself had to learn obedience; the seed dies before life comes but God is faithful and does not desert us.


  1. Without a doubt the best post you have ever written. It is clear to me that you have spent a lot of time, as well as research, on this topic and you are spot on.


  2. I agree with Shenandoah. Very well reasoned and very well written.
