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Thursday, May 15, 2014

The point of free speech free speech.
  The point of free speech is NOT to create "free speech zones" in which people can be corraled, circled up and identified.
  Even in Toledo, we've had police protect Neo-Nazi Socialist group marches, yet the government seems intent on establishing "free speech zones," the effect of which is to banish free speech in 99% of the other zones that are not for free speech.
  How hard is it, then, to eventually get rid of free speech altogether?
  University of Georgia has limited free speech zones to 1% of the campus.
  The BLM tried it with the protesting cattle the desert.
  So far, this hasn't been working out so well for the speech Nazis. Though it's understandable why protesters need to be contained in an area in a highly political arena, it's much more treacherous to ban free speech generally on campus or on open "federal land" that supposedly belongs to the taxpayers.
  As Hoosierman has written, campuses have become stinking wells of putrification. Well, maybe he didn't make them sound that bad, but I am.
  Campus Reform covers many of these instances; though conservatives are usually targets of campus protests, even IMF head Christine LaGard has bowed out of speaking at a graduation ceremony because of organized thug protests.
  Believe it or not, The Daily Beast has a critical article for the fragile millennials who can't bear to hear anyone speak anything but Leftist bilge:
Millennials have grown up in a world where you are never forced to see, hear or read anything that you haven’t personally selected. 7,000 TV channels, a DVR to skip commercials, millions of websites—we have been able to curate our own little worlds using technology, wherein nothing unpleasant or offensive can creep in. So when we’re forced to sit through a commercial or, heaven forbid, listen to someone talk who isn’t Mary-freakin’-Poppins, we can’t handle it.
  The author (crudely) mocks these fragile flowers since the point of getting an education used to be is to gather a wide range of knowledge, learn, and be open minded to opinions other than your own.
  An excellent example of Leftist intolerance is the following video in which anarchists shout down a Left wing speaker who simply wanted to make the point that you shouldn't be accusing people of rape if they didn't do anything. The anarchists believe that anyone who accuses another of sexual assault should not be questioned in any way.
  In a graduate class, many years ago I myself witnessed a similar event if which a doctoral candidate claimed if someone is black, it is racist to suggest anything they say is not true.
  **Extreme language alert.**
  I contend it's a good thing that these idiots are exposed for what they are. They are repulsive in so many ways.

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