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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Let's get out ahead and tell people they're stupid

The One's pronouncement that Arizona is calloused with regard to individual rights by enforcing its borders is a repetition of his pronouncement that the Cambridge cop was stupid by arresting someone thought to be a burglar on the porch of a Cambridge house. Once again, he quickly denounces those who disagree with his ideals of open borders, harsh rules and regulations for regular citizens and businesses, and free handouts for anyone who can claim being a minority or a victim of....something. Powerline:
How, exactly, does Arizona's law "threaten[] to undermine basic notions of fairness"? Why is it unfair to enforce the immigration laws? Most Americans would say that it undermines basic notions of fairness when our government deliberately refuses to enforce the laws Congress has passed, to the disadvantage of our citizens. And as far as trust between police and "communities" is concerned--assuming we are talking about communities of American citizens--one would think it would improve trust if citizens can see that the laws are being enforced. It's funny, isn't it: liberals love to talk about the "rule of law" when they are trying to create never-before-seen "rights" belonging to enemy combatants. But where is the "rule of law" when the laws relating to immigration are studiously ignored, if not deliberately undermined?

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