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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Enough with the birther/nirther controversy

Lots of people are excited about the prospect of Obama being a citizen of Kenya and not the US. Strangely, one of the first things Obama did when he got into office was to forbid the disclosure of any of his personal documents (transparency? hello?). The video of a confrontation between Mike Castle and the nirthers has made the rounds on YouTube. However, RedState has an interesting perspective on the birther/nirther movement. What good does it do to flail against this issue, considering that nothing will ever, ever come of it? Read about it here: 
I really have no interest in debating the merits of this particular conspiracy theory in this post.  Therefore, I will posit, for the sake of argument, that the basic premise of the birther movement is correct.  Obama was born in Kenya and is not a “natural born citizen.”  Okay.  Now what?  What on earth do the birthers think will be done about it?

Do you people suppose that the Supreme Court will somehow order President Obama out of office?  I will bet you $100, and give you 1000:1 odds that that will never, ever happen.  They will decline to even entertain such a case.  I don’t think anyone in the country has standing to bring it, and even if they do, the Courts will prudentially decline to hear the case as a political question.  Book it, the courts are not getting involved in this; the place where we sort out the citizenship thing is at the ballot box and you already lost that fight.

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