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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hope for the bomber to give up details?

Because he's a "criminal" with any attorney and rights and not an enemy combatant, we aren't allowed to get any information out of him about other plots in the works. Read at The Anchoress:
Noted at The Corner:

To see the danger we face because of Obama’s return to a law-enforcement approach to terrorist interrogation, read today’s front-page story in the Washington Post.

At the very end of the article, the Post notes:

Abdulmutallab remains in a Detroit area prison and, after initial debriefings by the FBI, has restricted his cooperation since securing a defense attorney, according to federal officials. Authorities are holding out hopethat he will change his mind and cooperate with the probe, the officials said. (Emphasis added)

Writes Marc Thiessen: Holding out hope? Change his mind? Are they kidding? A terrorist like Abdulmutallab is not a common criminal who should be told he has the “right to remain silent.” He is an enemy combatant, who tried to commit an act of war against the United States of America. He possesses vital intelligence about the terrorist network that deployed him to attack America, and may be planning still more attacks. The Obama administration has a responsibility to make him give up that information. Treating him like a criminal is an abdication of that responsibility, and puts our nation at risk.

There is a later note:

Several readers have pointed out that the Post has mysteriously dropped this line, which appears in the print edition, from the online version:

Authorities are holding out hope that he will change his mind and cooperate with the probe, the officials said.

I guess they have given up hope?

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