From NRO Corner....OH, and, of course, there's the picture of The One carrying the GQ magazine for weekend reading between golf outings that has his picture on the front. Look closely. Heh. Is there no limit? No bounds?
Why Thank You, Your Lordship [Kevin D. Williamson]President Obama welcomed Indian Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh to the White House with words that have inspired snickers in New Delhi:"Yours is the first official state visit of my presidency, its fitting that you and India be so recognised," 48-year-old Obama told the 77-year-old Indian leader.
The general reaction in India has been: Who the heck does this guy think he is? Note to the Great Diplomat: When you do a head of state an honor, you don't remind him, in public, of the fact that you have done him an honor, particularly in self-aggrandizing terms of this sort.
I cannot imagine Dr. Singh responding to Obama: "I am the first state visitor of your presidency, and it is fitting that you and the United
States be so recognized. Especially considering that I have the guts to stand up to the Chinese from time to time, whileyou're basically groveling and praying that they don't decide to divest their dollar holdings. Did I mention our 7 percent economic growth, compared to your ... 3 percent, 3.5? Now, what did you want to talk about?"
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