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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Environmentalists bid to boost EPA's toxicity claims

  In response to the EPA's push to criminalize the most popular and cheapest forms of energy, Reuters is out with a study by a couple liberal environmental groups claiming we're all dying in Ohio, etc., because of pollution from coal fired plants. Hm. Northwest Ohio's fine. Los Angeles, California, is horrible. Go figure. From the article:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - People living in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida are most at risk in the United States from toxic emissions spewing from coal and oil-fired power plants, two leading American environmental groups said in a report on Wednesday.
  Surely this report is not political, however, as it concludes with this line:
In February, the Republican-led House, in a bid to cut government spending and avoid a U.S. default on financial commitments, voted to thwart the EPA from making rules to limit mercury and other toxic emissions from cement plants. 
  This, then, is in keeping with the MSM's attempt to demonize any form of cutbacks in any manner in any area.
  Of course, the information for this study was derived from figures and analysis from the EPA in 2009, which has made no secret of its desire to grab control of yet another industry:
"The EPA has its foot firmly on the throat of our economic recovery," said Fred Upton, Michigan's Republican Congressman and the incoming chairman of the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee
  The NY Times notes that the upcoming election makes these new rules uncomfortable for the administration, although Jackson is part of the administration. The possibility exists that *The Prince* may abandon support for her in the light of too much political heat, which would be fairly consistent with the whole "voting present" approach he has shown in most of his political life:
No other cabinet officer is in as lonely or uncomfortable a position as Ms. Jackson, who has been left, as one adviser put it, behind enemy lines with only science, the law and a small band of loyal lieutenants to support her.
  Note that the NY TImes is comfortable saying that science supports Ms. Jackson, though that  claim is suspect by many scientists who question the whole global warming thing.
  We might note, again, that it's not about the environment or these politicians wouldn't be flying out to Aspen or Chicago or New York for a day trip, etc. and various fundraisers.
  Sadly, Ms. Jackson has not met with The One for a while, unlike Trumka who claims to visit almost daily.
Although she has not met with the president privately since February, Ms. Jackson said she was confident that he would back her on the tough decisions she had to make. “All of us are mindful that he has a lot of things to do,” she said.
Attacks on her and her agency have become a central part of the Republican playbook, but she said she wanted no sympathy.
  This is all part of the Democrat echo chamber and the psyops that the MSM and, in this case, academics left wing groups perform on the American public.
  Don't be fooled. This isn't about the environment. It's about power, control and redistribution of wealth. 
  NOTE: The EPA has been setting the stage for this for some time by funding physicians with grants to "study" the impact of the environment on the chilluns. Gee, I wonder how the results of those grants will turn out?
  From the Physicians for Social Responsibility website:
Physicians for Social Responsibility is a non-profit organization that is the medical and public health voice for policies to prevent nuclear war and proliferation and to slow, stop and reverse global warming and toxic degradation of the environment. PSR’s 50,000 health professionals and concerned citizen members and e-activists, 31 PSR chapters, and 41 student PSR chapters at medical and public health schools, along with national and chapter staff, form a unique nationwide network committed to a safer and healthy world. 
  The Boston Group of PSR received EPA grants:
In a press release, he pointed out that Massachusetts was the only state to receive more than one of the seven grants. The other was awarded to Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility. 
  And the PSR receives Soros funding. What a shock.
  It seems the NRDC is about a great deal more than just the environment. From the Natural Resources Defense Council website:
We work to foster the fundamental right of all people to have a voice in decisions that affect their environment. We seek to break down the pattern of disproportionate environmental burdens borne by people of color and others who face social or economic inequities. Ultimately, NRDC strives to help create a new way of life for humankind, one that can be sustained indefinitely without fouling or depleting the resources that support all life on Earth. 
  And the NRDC has received earlier EPA funds and is partially funded by George Soros:
Moreover, it is estimated that NRDC received $2.6 million from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) during the first three years of the Bush administration. NRDC, which accused President Bush of attempting the "rollback of almost every major environmental law on the books," subsequently used the EPA money to finance anti-Bush radio spots in battleground states prior to the 2004 presidential election. 
  Consider the sources. EPA locked arms with Soros and the like. Gee, what a surprise.

1 comment:

  1. I keep wondering if Manchen of W.Virginia will switch parties. Obama has never won in WV. Hillary trounced him and so did McCain. WV is really bearing the brunt of the EPA's war on industry. If Robert Byrd were alive and in his prime he would have Obama's head on a stick. This next election looks bad for Obama and I hope with him at the top of the ticket he drags a bunch down with him.
