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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Obama: He's all about segregation

  Revealed this last week through a whistleblower is that the Department of Justice of the United States of America is no longer supporting the civil rights of white citizens of this country. Voter intimidation is now acceptable, both in caucuses and at the voting booth, if you feel the candidate of your choice should win over the other candidates. It's just a matter of "gettin' in their faces," as Dear Leader has so notably encouraged.
  It's really okay, now in this decade where we have an African American president, an African American Attorney General and numerous other African Americans in charge in DC, to threaten to murder the children of races you don't "like" (a delicate euphemism for the word HATE) because this is the voice of freedom, of the future and of democracy. 
  Don't worry about being arrested for beating up white people or black people if they disagree with your political views because this is the new America. This America doesn't prosecute minorities or union members.
  Minority offices have been created in the new health care law, because everyone knows that people should be segregated by races when it comes to health care, do we not? Why should everyone get the same treatment? Why SHOULDN'T we separate people by skin color for health care?
  Oh, and doctors. Let's make sure we have enough minority doctors; don't worry about grades because everyone knows those are all inflated anyway, due to restrictions about "special" education. That's why the educational loan business was taken over by the government anyway, which we really trust implicitly, to make sure that the "right" people get the loans and get directed into the "right" areas of medicine.
  So in addition to creating minority offices for health care, we should also separate people by the color of their skin when it comes to a financial overhaul, right? 
  It only makes sense that people should be chosen for jobs because of their gender, sexual preference and skin color, rather than people who are chosen for their competence and intelligence. 
  And really, once all that money gets doled out through the financial "reforms," we better be sure the right races of people get it. 
In the financial overhaul bill that is on the cusp of becoming law, House Democrats have included a largely overlooked provision that would create diversity czars to promote racial and gender hiring in federal agencies -- a move that has sparked concerns about racial quotas, government waste and charges that Democrats are attempting to politicize the Federal Reserve.
  This is the new America. 
  Oh, wait. Isn't this the OLD AMERICA?

  We can sit side by side but only in designated seating. This makes much sense.
  If you're a black farmer, too, you can get reparations for all the discrimination your family member might have suffered in years past. 
  If you have a job other than farming, don't worry. There are lots of other ways to get reparations these days, even if we're not calling them that. Somethin's comin' your way. All that Obama money, being printed even now in some secure location. Does the new ten thousand dollar bill have his picture on it yet?
  I'm not bothering to link to verify all the absurd points I'm making in this post, since if you don't know this already because you utilize the alternate media, then you've been living under a rock with the MSM and your lyin' eyes won't convince you anyway.

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