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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Senator Ayotte. Let's hear your position on abortion

New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte called off a scheduled campaign event with Indiana Republican Senatorial candidate Richard Mourdock after remarks he made in a debate.

"She disagrees with Treasurer Mourdock’s comments, which do not represent her views,” spokesman Jeff Grappone said in a statement.

I agree that Senator Ayotte, who owes her career to pro-lifer Sarah Palin, should not have to endorse comments with which she does not agree but Senator Ayotte should tell us what part of Mourdock's comments she finds offensive.


  1. I voted for Ovide in the primaries when he was defeated by Smelly Kelly. Mourdock believes in God and believes the progeny of rapists are also the children of God. I don't see conservative voters running away from Mourdock. If anything, they will rally behind him.

  2. He's not out of step in Indiana and this won't hurt him. The people who aren't onboard are the Lugar RHINO's but I think he wins in a walk.
