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Obama countdown

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Morning roundup & the crime of using margerine punished at last

  Are the dems urging Obama not to run for a second term?
  Beefcake Lee Fisher has turned his funds over to the DNC in sure defeat in the Ohio Senate race.
  Obama makes an odd appearance on Jon Stewart's show in a serious bid to shore up Stewart's rally this weekend and try to explain his policies, which he obviously hasn't done before, considering his low television profile. Some laughter ensues, not necessarily good.
  Dems crossing party lines to vote for O'Donnell? As much as Republicans lament the quality of some of the conservative candidates, the alternative is worse. Is O'Donnell rising in the polls?
  Katie Couric called us "the great unwashed" masses, in an attempt to relate. It doesn't seem to be working. Daily Caller:

That’s why Couric has spent recent weeks in Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston and New Brunswick, New Jersey. She is touring what she calls “this great unwashed middle of the country” in an effort to divine the mood of the midterms.
One way to show you’ve figured out the public’s mood is to call them the “great unwashed.” They love that all the way out in New Brunswick, which she can’t even see from her office! You have to admire her bravery, venturing to the wilds of Chicago. Imagine the chill up her spine at the thought of all those lumpenproles she was flying over.
  The DNC is digging for dirt on Obama challengers already? Or maybe for a Hillary candidacy? 
  A sigh of relief heaved around the world as the crime of transfats in margerine has been punished for the first time by the government. Aren't you happy now?
  That guy who "assaulted" the Moveon activist? Not so sure now he was "assaulting" as much as defending. Read over at Instapundit:

Yet another argument for those ubiquitous video cameras I’m always touting.


  1. Crossing party lines to vote for O'Donnell! Rand Paul is pulling 30% of the Democrat vote, a demographic close to the party's heart in several ways. See

  2. Awesome. We hang together and see what happens. I'm not convinced this whole Yemen incident is going to benefit the admin either. They're dreamin'. The PROBLEM is, at this point, that people are voting for the least worse alternative, not necessarily the Republicans. They better get their acts together.
