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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mexico: Mexican violence is US's fault

Apparently politicians in the US aren't the only out of touch, insane, in denial people around. Others exist in Mexico. You won't believe this. Mexican mayors are complaining that when the US sends Mexican criminals back over the border, these criminals are ruining their towns and causing all kinds of terrible things to happen. The US needs to stop apparently. First The Blaze:
San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders joined the mayors of Tijunana, Ciudad Juarez, Nogales and Nuevo Laredo last week to discuss cross-border issues.  Among them, the Mexcian mayors complained that America’s deportation of convicted criminal illegal immigrants back to the Mexican border is contributing to the recent rise in violent crimes, including kidnapping and other crimes related to the drug trade.
Then the commentary over at Gateway Pundit:
How dare we demand that Mexico take possession of its own citizens!  Of course, the increase in violence couldn’t possibly be attributed to the drug cartels and the inability of the Mexican government to successfully combat them.  Especially since the increase in violence is spreading throughout Mexico.  It’s easier to simply blame the U.S.  Perhaps the Mexican mayors are taking their cue from President Obama.  President Obama doesn’t seem to be pleased with the U.S. either.  He did invite Mexico’s President Calderon to address Congress, where he blasted Arizona’s  new immigration law as a “terrible” endorsement of racial profiling. 


  1. Maybe if we secured the border this problem would go away along with the firearm smuggling that seems to cause Mexico so much trouble. If the border can't be secured without "comprehensive immigration reform" ie amnesty maybe be they could be relocated to one of our sanctuary cities where they would be welcomed as political prisoners.

  2. Great idea! I suggest San Francisco. Or maybe next door to Barney Fwank.
