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Friday, March 25, 2011

A third war on a Muslim country

  Over at AOL "news" is an article about our current "kinetic military action." 
  Are our military leaders so naive that they didn't know this would happen?
Lines of authority were unclear Thursday night, but it appeared the NATO decision sets up dual command centers and opens the door to confusion and finger-pointing. U.S. commanders would presumably be chiefly responsible for ensuring that the NATO protective flights do not conflict with planned combat operations under U.S. command.
  I think not. 
  I think we can figure out who's the problem here, as the AOL "news" article notes that nobody wants control of the "kinetic military action" taking place in Libya. 
  Apparently the "allies" see this as war.
  Huh. Imagine that. 
  We bomb a country and some people confuse it with war.
  What rubes.
  We're definitely not at war because we don't have troops on the ground there.
  Well, except for the Marines.
  And the Illinois National Guard.
  National. Guard.
  Yeah. This sounds like a formula for success.
  Meanwhile the horror of the thing starts to creep into consciousness.
  They really don't know what the hell they're doing.

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