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Obama countdown

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

On extreme warmongers, deniers and partiers

  From Daily Caller, Kaus:

Hey, Arianna! Andrew Breitbart called Van Jones a “punk.” Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a “cunt.” Which one did you ban again? 
  The judge bars Wisconsin law from taking effect, even though it was done legally. Tied up in court for a while, looks like, but Walker ordered union dues not withdrawn by government anymore.


  Have you watched "Waiting for Superman" or "The Lottery" yet? You need to. If your school is doing well, you'll suddenly develop an energy for what's happening in inner city schools. The system isn't set up for kids to win. It's set up for teachers to keep their jobs. So why did our president, whose children attend a private exclusive school, travel the world, and are more advantages than all children in our country, CUT the government grant that allowed several DISadvantaged children to attend his daughters' school?
  Now Captain Lightning in a Bottle has decided to cut any chance for charter schools for inner city DC  kids. NRO:

But here’s what vouchers did achieve: graduation rates of 91 percent, 21 percentage points higher than the graduation rates of students who applied for a D.C. voucher, but did not win the lottery. Considering the difference a high-school degree can make — high school graduates earn about $10,000 more annually than high school dropouts, and have significantly lower unemployment rates — any program that helps students make it to graduation is worthwhile.
If the Obama administration is serious about helping low-income kids — and not kowtowing to the teachers unions — they should reverse their position on vouchers pronto. Vouchers aren’t a partisan issue. Democrats like California Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Newark mayor Cory Booker have come out in favor of vouchers. President Obama could show his dedication to policy outcomes, not political friends, by doing the same.
  ANd the mysterious Ulsterman has another *secret* report out about Obama, how he's going to win again and who can beat him. *Obviously this column cannot be verified.* FWIW, here's a paragraph. It's a long article, but it rings with truth. Newsflavor:

Obama can’t think on his feet, and he has not real instinctive quality for leadership because he’s been programmed since day one of his adult life.  He waits for the script and delivers his lines – and that’s it.  And while he’s waiting for the words, he spends time playing golf and watching ESPN, right?  As ridiculous as that sounds, that is exactly how this administration functions.  A campaign is different though because Obama gets to take the same basic script and go to new locations, so it gives the appearance of someone working hard.  He is much more comfortable in that environment – go to one supportive crowd to another, avoid any real questions, smile, nod and wave, and then go off to the next location.  Where other candidates get tired of that grind, Obama embraces it.  It’s what he is good at – it’s perhaps the only thing he’s good at.  Great candidate, horrible leader.  And America appears poised to give him another term.  People will elect the candidate, and shrug off the lack of leadership.  Is that a troubling reality? Hell yes it is – but it’s the truth too, now ain’t it?  And the Obamateam knows this…they know it, and they are prepared to take full advantage of it.  And why shouldn’t they?
  One thing's true. The Commander in Chief is a partier himself, having headed off to a $31,000 plate dinner at Harlem right after declaring his cause justified in invading Libya.  
  Another thing that's interesting about this article, though, is that the WH insider decides that his pick for the guy who can beat Obama is....Trump. Instapundit and wife agree. Not sure about all that.
  People are asking. Has the Tea Party given up?
  Um. No.
  We're just waiting to see how our candidates do. What do they expect us to do? March on DC every day? Not gonna happen. We got jobs, y'all. Plus we'll see how they do and then we'll go after 'em with a removal instrument.
  The truth is that the political observers are frightened and shocked by the union protests, as if they're comparable to the Tea Party protests. While it's true that those people have converged on their state capitols making horrendous scenes, once the bills are passed and **people see what's in 'em** and school districts, etc., become solvent, by the next election some of the taxpayer anger and confusion will have passed. We'll see.

  It really has been amazing see the pretzel twists these warmongers (aka hawkish chickens) are twisting themselves into to justify their war in Libya. 
  Well, they all take their marching orders from the same hive, don't they. 
  Fox News is extreme. Conservatives are extreme. Tax cuts are extreme. Wanting to save the country's finances and heritage is extreme.
  Well, they're sure making it extreme, aren't they.
  Listen to it here:

  Ghadaffee must go.
  Or stay.
  We remain vigilant.

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