Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Muslims exempt from paying for Obamacare, but not receiving it?

Oh, not from RECEIVING it..just from PAYING for it. This is also true for the Amish. Read over at Hillbuzz:

We invite all of you, especially lawyers and scholars, to punch holes in our reasoning with this if you can…but last night when the lot of us were sitting around talking about Obamacare something dawned on us that we have not seen reported anywhere.  The puzzle pieces are all there, but no one has apparently put them together to reveal one of the true, deliberate intentions of Obamacare — namely to give Muslims in this country free healthcare and make Christians, Jews, and all non-Muslims pick up that tab for this new, favored elite under Obama.
American Thinker wrote something about this a few months ago, but Hillbuzz really gets into it deeper. 

1 comment:

  1. Your profile claims that you are "non-partisan", but your site is wholly partisan. Also, not only are you linking to site sources in which anyone can start an account and write articles, whether factually true or not, but so is your buddy over at Hillbuzz. (EZineArticles and EHow are two examples.) Me thinks you know not how the Internet works. Anyone can put anything out there without so much as an ounce of true journalistic fact-checking, as you've so blatantly proven. But, good luck with your partisan website.
