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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

GOP donor would ban Trump from debates

Whose party is it? Since when do big donors think they have the right to decide who shall and who shall not have the right to run in the presidential primary? Foster Friess, a Wyoming-based investor is so worried that the Republican candidates will repel voters if they speak above a whisper that he fired off a missive to all 16 announced GOP candidates calling on them to be more civil in their discourse. In the letter he mentioned that he had the backing of Sheldon Adelson and Chicago Cubs co-owner Todd Ricketts.
"Would you join the effort to inspire a more civil way of making their points?" he wrote. "If they drift off the 'civility reservation,' let's all immediately communicate that to them."
Civility reservation? Maybe we should have trigger warnings and safe rooms equipped with cookies, coloring books, bubbles, Play-Doh, calming music, pillows, blankets, a video of frolicking puppies and when debating in the West the entire Mormon Tabernacle Choir. There was a time when adult language meant something other than profanity. It was the way adult spoke to one another, sometimes it was blunt, sometimes crass and sometimes malicious but it's the way adults have spoken  long before recorded history. Now even the Republican Party is falling for the PC movement.
It gets worse. California vintner and Republican mega donor John Jordan thinks by virtue of his money he should decide who shall and who shall not be in the presidential debates. He doesn't approve of Donald Trump's exaggerated but not entirely inaccurate estimation of Mexican illegals.
"Someone in the party ought to start some sort of petition saying, 'If Trump's going to be on the stage, I'm not going to be on there with him,'" Jordan told the AP on Monday. "I'm toying with the idea of it."
"It's something I feel strongly about as somebody who not only cares about the Republican Party, but also Latinos," Jordan said.
He cares about the Republican Party? Or does he think he owns the Republican Party. What about the people who support Trump? Where will Jordan's party be when they sit home on election day convinced that the Grand Old Party has been hijacked by millionaires who care deeply for people who will work cheap? Jordan's fondness for politics doesn't bleed over into an infatuation with politicians.
"I don't care. In fact, I try to avoid—I go out of my way to avoid meeting candidates and politicians." Why? "All too often, these people are so disappointing that it's depressing. Most of these people you meet, they're unemployable.… It's just easier not to know."
Unemployable? This coming from a man who inherited his wealth and vineyard from his parents.

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