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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Obamabots makin' stuff up again

  If you've been out of the political loop for the last week, you might be shocked to learn that Obama's latest campaign ploy is that he isn't a big spender, even though he's haggling for more money to blow on his cronies and even though the billions and billions of dollars he's already blown on his bundlers' ideas to fund ill fated companies. 
  But first, of course, those bundlers will make sure to contribute to the Obama campaign.
  This is as if we haven't seen the foolish stimulus projects on our own roads. As if we haven't seen the bridge being raised by two inches over at the Salisbury Road exit.
  It's as if we haven't seen residents of Detroit queued up to get their "Obama money."
  It's as if we haven't heard of the foolish stimulus projects.
  Like purifying water for $36,000 a resident.
  Or pouring money into a few select residents' homes to weatherize them, then failing the inspections.
  It's as if we haven't seen company after company bailed out, with no accountability.
  And on and on and on it goes.
  Now the Obama people are calling Romney's criticism of spending "cow pies" and "BS," two words intentionally framing Romney's remarks as excrement without actually saying the S word.
  This WSJ article nails it:
Mr. Nutting claims that Mr. Obama is only responsible for $140 billion worth of spending in his hyperactivist first year in office because . . . the fiscal year technically begins on October 1, 2009. Therefore he says Mr. Obama had no control over the budget, though in February 2009 he did famously manage to pass an $800 billion stimulus that was supposed to be a one-time deal. Mr. Nutting then measures Mr. Obama's spending growth rate against an inflated 2009 baseline that includes the spending Mr. Obama caused but which he attributes to Mr. Bush. 
This is like an alcoholic claiming that his rate of drinking has slowed because he had only 22 beers today and 25 beers yesterday. To extend the analogy, let's stipulate that Mr. Bush was no fiscal teetotaler, though that's even more an indictment of Mr. Obama.
  The Obamas do not care about these matters, it appears, as they party and fly around the planet on whims that most of us wouldn't consider in a car, much less Air Force One at $175,000 an hour.
  It's as if these things never happened; Michelle Obama did say they were about to change our history and that appears to be happening day after day. 
  Undoubtedly when Obama et al blew all that cash in 2009 they figured we'd all forget about it by the next election.
  The dare we suggest planted article by the unfortunately named Nutting is the beginning of the road back for Obama.
  They're already touting around the country how great the economy is and how the unemployment rate has come down, not mentioning that it's because 1) people have dropped out of trying to get jobs  2) the numbers are illusive, as every week Obama et al go back in and revise those numbers UP.
  From Forbes:
From December 2008 to the end of last year, total US debt increased from $10.7 trillion to $15.2 trillion, an increase of $4.5 trillion. However, only $2.9 trillion of this amount was borrowed from investors; the $2.9 trillion came from US investors, insurance companies and more than half from foreign countries and international investors. The remaining $1.6 trillion came mostly from the Federal Reserve. 
The Federal Reserve acquired most of this US debt by simply creating dollars. This infusion of cash is suppose to be temporary because the Federal Reserve expects to be paid back from US revenue (not very likely), or a sale/ refinance of such US obligations to investors (relatively more likely). Absent substantial growth in our economy it is likely the Federal Reserve will hold this debt (and perhaps additional debt from another infusion through Quantitative Easing) for an indefinite period of time.
  Apparently the Obamabots think we're stupid. Or blind. Or something. Certainly that's why they're trying to float these inane theories.
  Don't they know that's why the Tea Party started, y'all.

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