Sunday, March 1, 2020

Looking forward to the Trump rally Monday night-are you?

    Well, now that Buttigieg and Steyer are gone, we'll wait to see who drops out next. My guess is the whiny, boring, repetitive and pedestrian Klobuchar will be next to go; though Warren's campaign posted something weird about looking forward to a contested convention, I can't imagine Klobuchar has the $$ to stay in.
   One can only imagine the high entertainment value of a contested convention, given the ugliness of the last debate. Previous debates were snooze fests, but the last one was a contest between watching a Trump rally and the fight fest between the whiny show clowns.
     I have to admit that when first Trump entered the race, Hoosierman had to take me off the "Dump Trump" ledge, but Trump has truly become the best president of our lifetime.
    Given the pomposity and faux elegance of the unpatriotic previous administration, Trump's brashness (admittedly a covert word which masks the crudeness of most New Yorkers, including DJT) is refreshingly straightforward. You never have to guess where he stands on an issue and you can guarantee his face will reflect a deadpan comedian's style that is unlike anything the presidency has ever seen.
     Having attended the Toledo Trump rally, I can attest, also, that most of the people there were not rich: veterans, truckers, elderly, Hispanics, college & high school age kids...they were all there.
    So Trump appeals to the blue collar, common folks like the occasional writers of this blog. This fact is something the elite simply deny, refusing to see the reality of the world outside the Hamptons, NYC and DC.
    Just listening to the commercials that run on WMAL radio out of DC is enlightening; in blue collar country, you won't hear commercials for same day dental enhancements or adverts to sell your house in 10 days.
     (Speaking of WMAL, Chris Plante from 9:00 -12:00 am M-F is must listen radio. He's funny, clever and smart; he's also a reformed Democrat.)
     This is a season of high entertainment: that's for sure.
     As Selena Zito wrote in September of 2016, we take him "seriously, not literally." She wrote:
The 70-year-old Republican nominee took his time walking from the green room toward the stage. He stopped to chat with the waiters, service workers, police officers, and other convention staffers facilitating the event. There were no selfies, no glad-handing for votes, no trailing television cameras. Out of view of the press, Trump warmly greets everyone he sees, asks how they are, and, when he can, asks for their names and what they do.
     Zito understands what WE understand: that regardless the case the Mikas, Joes and Chucks try to make, Trump is no phony. They're the phonies and we've caught them lying time and time again. They claim Trump is a liar, but even their accusations are nothing but lies. He didn't make fun of a paralyzed reporter, he didn't claim he COULD go shoot someone on main street but rather that the press SAID he probably could and he DIDN'T claim Nazis were decent people. Take anything out of context and it can say what they want.
    So we look forward to another Trump rally tomorrow night, Monday, March 2, at 7:00. He's become quite the show, that one.


  1. "seriously, not literally."!! Let me add if was presidential he wouldn't be president.

  2. ALSO, I have to say Glenn Beck had good insight today. Chris Plante had (BLEH) Steve Malzberg as a sub today so I listened to Beck. Made a lot of sense. Biden is the most easily manipulated by the establishment Democrats. His PROBLEM is that he's....out of it.
