To say I'm disappointed in Bill Krystal, Mitt Romney and Jonah Goldberg is an understatement.
Right now the most revolting person on the right to me is the former blogger Erick Erickson who made it to the big time of tee-vee with Tea Party momentum: he's emblematic of the fatheads who've been instructing us how to win when their main idea of winning is a fat tv contract for themselves to expound more winning ideas that will help fathead Hillary! win.
The "leaders" of our country--both right and life AND the parrot class--seem to believe that we rubes don't know what the hell we are doing by voting OUT the current crop of fatheads and grafting new life onto the federal vine.
There's a great (as in YUGELY stupid) example over at the Politico which attempts to defined why so many Americans are deluded enough to think Trump rather than Hillary is best suited to kick the world's ass.
We rubes have always been attracted to supercilious condescension or maybe not since I have to resist the urge to vomit when forced to listen to academic and chattering classes.
They know much more; therefore, ee stupid. You smart.
According to Politico, the elite circles have justified the rubes' votes for Trump as a "psychological quirk," ignoramuses suffering from what some grandee named Dunning has termed the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
This author does not recognize insufferable glibness, but has spotted others' stupidity which he breathlessly defines this way:
In studies in my research lab, people with severe gaps in knowledge and expertise typically fail to recognize how little they know and how badly they perform. To sum it up, the knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task—and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at that task. This includes political judgment.Apparently one does not watch Watters' World or Kimmel's Lie Witness News where the ignorance of the average left wing college student is frequently exposed but, oh, well, Dunning has given the cocktail circuit more material.
Stunningly, Dunning--who appears to be oblivious of our current president's proclivities--describes Trump this way:
Many commentators have pointed to these confident missteps as products of Trump’s alleged narcissism and egotism. My take would be that it's the other way around. Not seeing the mistakes for what they are allows any potential narcissism and egotism to expand unchecked.
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