Thursday, October 2, 2014

Julia Pierson; “We need to be more like Disney World."

Former Secret Service Director Julia Pierson is quoted in the Washington Post; “We need to be more like Disney World. We need to be more friendly, inviting.” One assumes she was speaking of the Secret Service not the Obama administration but the later seems to have taken her admonition to heart. If not friendly and inviting the Obots have transformed Yap town-on-the-Potomac into the amusement capital of the world by their ineptitude if not intent. Witness two events that have consumed this week's news cycle, the departure of the aforementioned Pierson and the outbreak of Ebola in Dallas.
As the Center for Disease Control rushes to assure the public that it knows all, sees all, and always exercises the very best judgment with a abundance of, if not an excess of, caution it is revealed that the CDC farmed out its internal security to a three time loser who rode in a elevator with the chief Obot. An abundance of caution? Mickey Mouse call your office! Minnie and Goofy must be so embarrassed.

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