Friday, June 6, 2014

Do you smell blood in the water?

I have been having some fun with Chris Matthews lately. Suddenly one of OBama's chief enables has become one of his harshest critics. It's as if he didn't get the memo that his job was to defend Obama right or wrong. At first I was surprised but upon reflection this is who Chris Matthews is. He began his political career as an aide to Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill. Like O'Neill he is rabidly partisan but also like O'Neill he feels partisanship stops at the nation's shores. When he was a young man Democrats were patriotic. Their biggest achievement was winning World War II under Presidents Roosevelt and Truman. Both houses of congress were controlled by Democrats and they were ardent defenders of the national interest. To this day practically every military base bears the name of a prominent Democrat. Senators such as Sam Nunn and Henry (Scoop) Jackson were the hardest of the hardliner in the cold war because it fit there political personas and because they could be nothing else. Foreign relations were too important for politics in the cold war. The national defense was nothing to trifle with.
All that probably seems rather quaint to a president born in 1961. The Berlin Wall fell in 1989 when Obama was 28 years old. He never served in the military or even lived in the country for longs periods of his youth. He preferred to fight the anti colonial wars of the 50's and 60's, the fixation of his alcoholic father whom he seldom saw. He is still fighting those old wars in which the country he leads is just one nation among many deserving neither his love nor his loyalty. He is a dreadful misfortune.
I have read that the very rich go broke very slowly at first and then all at once. The same thing infrequently happens to the powerful. By and by underlings leave the office to spend more time with their families or to write a book until finally someone with sufficient courage and considerable power says they can no longer support secretary X or president Y. Then they go all at once.
In Obama's case the first cracks in his facade have appeared where least expected. It is not only Chris Matthews but bigger things are happening at NBC, well beyond the rantings of a drunk. The headline Taliban Commanders Say They Found Bergdahl Cursing His Countrymen confirms the report from Fox News that Bowe Bergdahl is worse than a deserter is posted at
Listen to the video below. Chuck Todd of NBC spells out Obama's covert agenda namely to imperil the lives of every American by emptying out Gitmo public safety be damned.

Todd: I have to say, I think this is all about Gitmo. Everything about this has been about Gitmo, and finally we heard an Obama administration official yesterday, Marie Harf, one of the spokespeople at the State Department, for the first time said something on the record that I had been hearing on background and off the record is, "We had to get something for these guys because we were eventually going to have to release them anyway." And she said this on the record, and it goes back to -- and I wanted to sort of second something that I heard Bill say, which is, this is about Gitmo. The entire PR attempt on the weekend was about almost deflecting what they anticipated to be a sharp political fight about the decision to start releasing Gitmo detainees starting with these five -- and in this case they decided to quote, unquote get something for these five -- and I think they anticipated that fight so they thought well, let's do a rally-around-the-flag moment. We know that there was certainly a bipartisan group of members of Congress who wanted Bergdahl released.

Here is where the country really needs a Jackson or Nunn. When Clinton wanted to bring gays into the military Sam Nunn said NO and it stuck. Someone with stature in the Democratic Party must and will step forward and if for no loftier reason other than self preservation and tell the President to cease or the country will be run without him. Doubtful you think? No it certainly will happen. The entire Democratic Caucus is not willing to bet their careers on the good behavior of a bunch of rag heads in Gitmo. If any thing close to a 9/11 attack were to be carried out by a Gitmo alum the Democratic Party would be out of business for an entire generation. Obama, who is more concerned with pleasing the Muslim world than looking after the security of this country, will not have to run for office again. He can and probably will retire abroad where he can giggle in his conceits a moo fond words for the Muslim Brotherhood.
One week ago the drama in which the country finds itself was not a blip on anyone's radar and we would be remiss if we did not thank the brave, unselfish, intelligent, and ever so articulate veterans who served with Bergdahl. They, those reluctant heroes, those soft spoken professionals, are the best of all of us. Remember them the next time your patience wears thin with the young generation. For those of you who missed their appearance on Megyn Kelly's show you can view of it here.

1 comment:

  1. I have to disagree with your assessment of Chris Matthews as a patriotic partisan. He will never be confused with Zell Miler or Ike Skelton. Matthews had a run-in with Miller because Miller placed country over party in supporting George Bush in 2004.

    Throughout the Bush years Matthews was more interested in fighting the administration than in fighting America's enemies. Matthews was rude to Michelle Malkin when she was a guest on his show and his criticisms of Cheney, Rumsfeld and anyone associated with the Bush Administration were anything but fair and balanced.

    Matthews is an Obama zealot but he is a calculating Obama zealot. Didn't Matthews guest host "The Rush Limbaugh Show?" Chris is first and foremost an opportunist whose first concern is Chris.
