Saturday, February 1, 2014

More Americans Trust Fox

More Americans trust Fox News than any other television news outlet, according to the 5th annual PPP media poll. The table below was in response to the question;
Which TV news outlet do you trust the most:
ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Comedy Central,
Fox News, MSNBC, NBC News, or PBS?
Most Trusted
Fox News 35 % CBS 9%
PBS 14% Comedy Central 6%
ABC 11% MSNBC 6%
CNN 10% NBC 3%
Ironically Fox News is also the least trusted. When asked;
Working from the same list of choices, which
TV news outlet do you trust the least?
Least Trusted
Fox News 33% ABC 5%
MSNBC 19% CBS 4%
Comedy Central 14% NBC 2%
CNN 11% PBS 2%
PPP sums up the partisan take. “Republicans trust Fox News but not much else while Democrats trust everything except Fox News,”

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