Thursday, October 25, 2012

Three Cheers for Dick Mourdock

This hardly seems fair. I spent most of the primary season attacking Richard Mourdock now I'll probably have to spend the next two weeks defending him. During the primary season I tried to make the point that Mourdock was a very inept politician who could potentially turn a safe seat over to the Democrats. I live in Mourdock's hometown, Evansville, Indiana and have followed his career since 1992 when he first ran for congress. He ran against a strong incumbent and lost as did  George Bush.
Mourdock served several terms as a county commissioner and made two more tries in congressional elections, losing both times. Finally he succeeded in securing the nomination for State Treasurer. He won the general election but no one ever pays attention to who is running for State Treasurer, State Auditor, or Secretary of State, rather these offices tend to track with the governor's election and in that case it was Mitch Daniels. Had it not been for the Chrysler bailout that gave him some national television exposure Mourdock probably would have gone back to being a county commissioner and a geologist in the coal industry.
While Mourdock may be gaffe prone and somewhat of a windbag he is and always has been unapologetically pro life. He is not an act and he didn't come to the conservative principles he espouses overnight. He is philosophically the same Dick Mourdock who ran for congress in 1992. As far as political principles go, I agree with him probably 95% of the time.
What did Mourdock say that was so bad? He said that a pregnancy after rape is "something that God intended to happen". Wow! That is controversial? No Mourdock did not misspeak and any Republican who thinks otherwise is in the wrong party.
Yes, the man is gaffe prone but that is no gaffe and I don't know why Mitt Romney would say he disagreed with that statement or why Senator Kelly Ayotte would refuse to campaign for him. Mourdock is running against a man whose party could not secure an honest two thirds vote to put the word "God" in its platform and he is out of step? Hang tough, Richard Mourdock, you are doing the Hoosier state proud.


  1. I'm guessing what he meant to say was that there are no accidents with God--that He allows things to happen that we would not. I heard a woman speak once about abortion. She had been raped as a teenager, given the baby up for adoption and moved on with her life. One day 25 years later she received a phone call from a young man who wanted to know if she had given a child up for adoption. As this woman was telling her story, another woman came up behind her, eventually sharing the podium. They were identical, in appearance, in mannerisms and even the way they laughed.

    This was her daughter, the child of rape she had given up for adoption. I will never forget it; it was one of the reasons I became staunchly pro-life and has helped shaped my world view about why and how God can use anything, anything in one's life for good.

  2. I don't think this hurt him in Indiana. Hoosiers aren't going to elect anyone who voted for Obamacare.
