Monday, October 29, 2012

Is Obama losing Chicago Black Community members?

  This is pretty incredible video from Rebel Pundit at Breitbart. You won't believe our eyes and ears.
  I put a link in to this video over to Breitbart since it plays automatically.
  Here's a smidgen of context:
  In the course of an ongoing investigation into the root causes of the rising tide of violence and horrifying murder rate this year in Chicago’s most destitute neighborhoods, several video interviews I conducted with black American voters from the community-organized south and west side, reveal a community that is fed up with the status quo--the status quo that keeps these communities ridden with poverty, homelessness, unemployment, dismantled families, and, of course, skyrocketing murder rates. And residents say, “it is the black Democratic leadership implementing a liberal agenda” that is to blame for the ongoing plight in their community.


  1. It would be bad if Obama lost Illinois. I've read that his numbers in Cook County aren't good enough to offset the downstate vote.

  2. According to Hillbuzz, it's not going as well as it usually does. And did you see Obama's buying ads in Detroit???? And Romney in Phillie????
