You might have noticed Hoosierman and I have backed off a bit on posting. I don't know about him, but I'm pretty saturated with the dishonesty and buffoonishness demonstrated daily by the Left.
Vicious attacks on anyone who disagrees with them cascade over Twitter.The ridiculous Obama campaign has degenerated to high pitched rants about Big Bird and binders, rants about which even Leftists are becoming, um, curious.
The lying has been breathtakingly relentless, as if by forcefulness and repetition reality can be changed.
And the president of the United States has gone on show after show like Pimp with a Limp, another radio show where he was asked his favorite color, the Daily Show, The View, The Daily Show...
The Daily Show where he dealt with the deaths of 4 Americans.
A comedy show?
Could he be more detached? Uninterested in the welfare of this country? LESS COMFORTING?
As we watch the monstrous Benghazi story unfold, we suspect that this president is completely adrift and unconcerned about anyone's welfare other than his own.
When has this country been so poorly governed? And by someone who is so completely clueless?
This column over at Washington Beacon marvelously explains the problem with what's going on politically. It's called "The Jerk Store Called: They're running out of Obama/Biden."
Remember when President Barack Obama was likable? Once upon a time the public viewed the incumbent more favorably than his challenger by large margins. These days Obama’s favorable and unfavorable ratings are similar to Mitt Romney’s. The televised debates have unveiled the current administration as alternately listless, manic, angry, soporific, rude, bullying, aloof, and thin-skinned. Americans who have just begun to tune into the election are seeing the president unmediated. They no longer are looking at him through the scrim of fawning press, majestic settings, and roaring crowds. And they are discovering that Obama is not so likable at all. He is actually something of ajerk.The column is worth a whole read.
I can barely stomach the breathy terribly insightful Peggy Noonan at the WSJ anymore but let me quote her here so you can see the contrast between the above column which addresses the reality of what's going on in the country as opposed to the inside the beltway crowd, which is also shifting away from Obama but not so decisively.
Man, these people are dimwits:
The vice presidential debate seemed more or less a draw, with Joe Biden maybe having an edge. But it was in the postdebate, in the days afterward, that Mr. Biden seemed to slip, because the national conversation didn't move off his antics—the chuckles, the grimaces, the theatrical strangeness of it all. A draw, or a victory, began to seem like a loss
Mr. Obama won the second debate Tuesday night with a vigorous, pointed performance. He showed up, fought, landed some blows. It was close and he was joyless, a bit of a toothache, but he emerged in marginally better shape than he entered. But he doesn't seem to be winning the postdebate.Um, no, Peggy. Mr. Obama did not win Tuesday night, nor did Biden win even a draw.
The beltway bunch's perception of Obamacare is a perfect example of their disconnect between what they did and what we perceive and our reality.
You can run gauzy comfortable commercials about the new health care law all you want but people aren't buying it.
Business doesn't want to hire because of it. Senior citizens dread its impact which is already being felt by restrictions on their treatment. Its cost has skyrocketed already; doctors are threatening to walk out and, though it is front-loaded, everyone dreads its final implementation.
And for sure everyone wants more IRS agents to help it survive.
Perhaps the two--the Beltway Matrix vs reality--meet up some day soon.
Like maybe November 6.
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