Chris Matthews truly is an idiot; he doesn't let Reince Preibus speak, mocks him and then accuses Romney of doing the whole racist dog whistle thing.
Romney's racist offense?
Joking about his own birth certificate.
Obama is disadvantaged, ya see, with his name and the fact that Romney had a top tier education at exclusive schools.
Just like Obama, who lived in Hawaii and went to the most exclusive high school in the islands.
And an exclusive college.
And an exclusive grad school.
All while choosing to smoke pot and do cocaine.
Here's the video:
James Taranto at BOTW discusses the much maligned dog whistle here.
It's been pretty obvious right from the start of the arrogant narcissistic Obama's campaign that race is a primary attack method leftists use to discredit anyone who disagrees with Obama.
Another aspect of leftist argument is that Republicans want to take choice away from women.
Leftists are the most controlling interfering prudes in the universe.
They want to take away your drinks, your gas, your SUVs, replace your house with a government run apartment.
Heck, they want to take away your SALT, for pete's sake.
Yet when Republicans value LIFE, that's anti-choice.
Valuing the life of the unborn child is considered 'controlling' while grabbing the salt shaker out of your very fingers is not.
Chris Matthews is a raving lunatic; he does not have the ability to be objective.
They're all loonies. For Obama to call the mild-mannered family man Romney an extremist is absurd.
A leader who ridicules the opposition, who blows trillions of dollars on stupid crap, who acts like the Occupy movement is normal, who lies as easily as telling the truth, who does not value this great country...
Now that's extreme.
I meant to include Powerline's excellent takedown of the phony former Republican women ad here but they've updated further with this post:
Best of all, we have the alleged Republican women for Obama. The Obama campaign gives us a two-and-a-half minute video featuring four or five women who claim to be Republicans, or to have been Republicans until recently, and who are appalled by Mitt Romney.
The women faithfully recite the Obama campaign’s “war on women” talking points. The first thing to observe about these talking points is their fraudulence. They are a campaign fabrication for which Private George Stephanopoulos dutifully prepared the battle space at one of the Republican debates this past January. Now the Obama campaign has followed up.Katherine Kersten’s deconstruction of the phony war in this morning’s Star Tribune is the most recent.
And that’s not all. As John demonstrated yesterday, at least two of the “Republican women for Obama” are ringers. They are lefty women who supported Obama in 2008.
Racism and stupidity exist on both sides. For a nice summary of Obama's tacit defense of black racism against whites, see