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Thursday, May 10, 2012

OccupyDC moves closer to Obama

  The SEIU is a union known for the use of violence to get what they want; they also are trying to force moms and dads carrying for their disabled children in their home to unionize whether they want to or not.
  The SEIU also has strong ties to the Obama campaign, contributing $70 million to the Obama campaign.
In fact, Obama's ties to the SEIU "go way back." 
  They also have connections to numerous shadowy non-profit organizations that storm banks and businesses in protest of their profit margins or shadowy business policies.
   Now we get to Obama's ties to the Occupy movement, which he says is "not that different than the tea party movement," when the truth is that the Tea Party sprang up spontaneously while the Occupy movement is structured and paid for by unions and shadowy Soros groups and the Canadian magazine Adbusters.
  Obama's speeches have consistently echoed the Occupy themes, in fact saying "We are on their side."
  Now we learn that the SEIU has bought at the cost of $4000 a month official offices for the Occupy movement in Washington, DC. 
  The SEIU will be paying for these offices for six months. Hm. They moved in Monday, May 7. T
 Six months will put the Occupy movement in those fancy digs a few blocks from the White House right up until the day before the election.
  Hm. Now what would be the purpose behind that?
  It's not like the White House hasn't already expressed solidarity.
  But it surely seems as if the violent Occupy movement is almost taking part in government, or at least in lobbying for itself and its causes. Why else would you need fancy offices? Three?
  Washington Examiner:

Protester Sam Jewler said Occupiers still don't agree with the SEIU's support of Obama, who embraced the Occupy movement early on but has said little about it since Occupiers and police clashed in New York, Oakland, Calif., San Francisco and elsewhere.
Still, Jewler said Occupiers recognize they have common interests with labor unions, like fighting income inequality, on which they can work together. Occupiers said they view the union's backing as a donation with no strings attached.
  So why don't we do away with this charade that the Occupiers aren't being manipulated and controlled by the SEIU, although who knows where criminal behavior of the Occupiers will lead, given its history of violence.
  Ah, yes. Violence.
  An aspect of that both movements seem to share.
  The Occupy movement and the SEIU
  When will President Obama denounce the violence, rather than support it?
  Some SEIU members recently have protested the use of their union dollars to support such leftwing causes as the Occupy movement, even sitting for interviews on FNC to proclaim that union members themselves are the 99% and that union administrators are the 1%, given their exalted positions, salaries, perks and favors.
  We were wondering when they'd figure that out.

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