Sunday, March 4, 2012

Is the IRS targeting Tea Parties?

  Is the IRS harassing the Tea Parties? It certainly looks like it.
Critically, the demands we’ve seen are made not in response to complaints of wrongdoing but instead in response to applications for exemption. In other words, the IRS appears to be conditioning the grant of exemptions on the extensive violation of the tea-party groups’ fundamental First Amendment freedoms. 
As I said, our review is ongoing, but the early indications are the IRS is using the routine process of seeking and granting tax exemptions to undertake a sweeping, top-down review of the internal workings of the tea-party movement in the United States. Such a review is far beyond its mission and directly implicates the First Amendment rights of all citizens.
  Conservative Outlooks' Greenberg is in the thick of things locally and state wide.
  And here:
As I reported here 2 weeks ago,  the Obama administration appears to have found a new avenue to harass and intimidate Tea Parties, Liberty groups and those who oppose his *overreaching agenda*:  the IRS. The taxman cometh, not just for taxes, but for information. Intrusive information. Names of donors. Who your group associates with. Resumes of the board members. Extremely detailed information about every aspect of the organization.
  Here's video Greenberg has on her blog about the IRS behavior.