Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Obama, that was no gaffe by Perry

  Could the administration and the MSM get any more ridiculous? All we're hearing is that Rick Perry made a "gaffe" by saying Bernanke was being almost "treasonous" by printing trillions of dollars and that if Bernanke went to Texas, he'd be treated "ugly"?
  We all know it's true. It is treasonous.
  So people like Tamara Holder, liberal commentator on Fox News can claim Perry probably wants to "kill illegals," Obama can say if they bring a knife we bring a gun and the VPOTUS or his cronies can claim tea partiers are terrorists, but Perry's off the cuff comment that treating the American dollar the way Bernanke has is out of bounds? That he's suggesting VIOLENCE?
  You're killing me.
  On a side note, we're thrilled to see Obama's going to give a speech sometime in September about something his advisors are cooking up to get America working again at some point.
  Or maybe Canada, since that's where the big black buses were made for the presidential listening tour of a few hours.
 As they say, he tours. You listen.

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