Saturday, August 20, 2011

Again, the optics

  It's not that we really begrudge a vacation for the golfing, vacationing, fundraising POTUS.
  It's that our POTUS is so blatant about accusing us of being millionaires, billionaires, not paying our fair share, playing politics, putting party before country, not sacrificing enough while he does and is the very thing of which he accuses us.
  Like, for example, our POTUS touts the benefits of driving a Volt, while himself ordering 2 $1.1 million luxury buses to tour the country for, um, 3 days, at taxpayer expense claiming he's not being partisan or political while attacking Republicans and Congress repeatedly.
  Then the FLOTUS decides to fly to Martha's Vineyard a few hours ahead of POTUS, deciding she just couldn't wait to start vacay, a condition she's been in before when she decided to fly early and separately to Hawaii. This costs us, the taxpayers, hundreds of thousands of dollars.
  It would have been, apparently for her, too common to have to actually wait for the POTUS to fly the country's personal jet; after all, she's FLOTUS, unelected but deserving of the same (or more) privileges than POTUS.
  We've mentioned before that the optics, well, suck, when you lecture the country that they need to sacrifice and millionaires need to pay more, even as we learn that there are fewer millionaires and billionaires to pay the benefits and wages Verizon workers demand from a diminishing landline phone service.
  And the optics also suck when you demand sacrifice from the public but you dine at expensive tony restaurants while the citizens line up by the thousands at a job fair in their high heels and white sheets while the temperature soars and people pass out from the heat.
  Again, we don't begrudge you a meal at even an expensive restaurant. It's just a bad time to be suckin' down ice cream cones, chumming with your friends and supporter millionaires and billionaires, and flying around the country while the rest of us are wondering what the hell is happening to the country and why no one over there seems to be in charge or even care about it.
  And it's the problem, as Drudge so aptly illustrates with his front page graphic juxtapositions, that this POTUS and his team seem to be waiting to figure out what to do until they can write another hopey changey speech.
  After Labor Day.
  Which is, of course, a day off work, a condition to which the POTUS seems to aspire but not so much the rest of us.

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