Beachgoers also have been forced to line up for their paltry allotment of the city's cheap, single-ply toilet paper at the boardwalk's other women's restroom at Stillwell
Imagine this scenario. The city runs out of money. Instead of paying a union employee who barely speaks English (and is probably just trying to make her American dream come true, we hope anyway) to hand out squares of single ply toilet paper, the city says, "Hey. Maybe we need to get rid of any employee or two whose main job is to hand out toilet paper or stand around. Then we'll have enough money to buy toilet paper."
Huh. But wait. The union says no...
So who thinks unions run this country, when they get to decide that it's more important to keep someone employed to decide how much toilet paper you do or don't get.
Admittedly this is speculation, as nowhere in the Post article does it state this was a union demand.
For some crazy reason, we think it might be true.
You can sit there in the middle of Pennsylvania and poke fun all you want. An unattended public restroom in NYC is hazardous. If you think that the point of a restroom attendant is to hand out toilet paper you're more naive than I thought. Grow up, expand your mind and understand why a properly governed city would want to do such a thing.