Thursday, March 31, 2011

Joe Klein: lizard brain Republicans

  In this new and remarkable stage of civility, Joe Klein over at Time Magazine, in a column called American Embarrassment, the dinosaur turned chameleon in this new digital stage, hates Republicans. No, I'm sorry. DESPISES Republicans.
  In a reminder to those of us who are not as enlightened as the liberal faction of this country which is, by the way, shrinking every day, Mr. Klein is currently really, really upset at the prospective candidates for the Republican presidential nomination.
  What's to worry about, Joe? Your guy is a shoe-in, right? No reason to freak.
  And, seriously, we're not embarrassed by our current Prez, who values himself, basketball, parties, himself, arugula, being on tv, working out, himself, and, well, that's about it. It's sure not America he values.

They are the most compelling argument I've seen against American exceptionalism. Even Tim Pawlenty, a decent governor, can't let a day go by without some bilious nonsense escaping his lizard brain. And, as Greg Sargent makes clear, Mitt Romney has wandered a long way from courage. There are those who say, cynically, if this is the dim-witted freak show the Republicans want to present in 2012, so be it. I disagree. One of them could get elected. 
  If you're like me, you are only familiar with the term "lizard brain" in relation to that bitter little lizard Janeane Garafolo, which loves to call Republicans just that.
  So here's a little video to educate yourself, since you undoubtedly, since you are reading this, possess a lizard brain yourself.

  Got that? YOU, Republicans/conservatives/libertarians, are the source of most negativity, fear and anger in this country.
  Here, dear reader/s, is a good example of what they think of the lizard brain conservative. Arianna, that brilliant strategist, thinks you're a lizard too.
  Just look at the search.
  Perhaps you, like me, are devastated.

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