Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A message to democrats: Immigration's no joke

Anyone who witnessed the Colbert debacle couldn't possibly see it as a positive development or constructive conversation. It was an embarrassment and a travesty. Malkin has a story on this along with the following video:


  1. Man, it's a good thing there are no Republicans who have ever been less than totally impressive.... and without a lick of jackassery. (I'm assuming that tea party people aren't Republicans. of course....)

    "Constructive conversation." Now there's a concept some folks have to be mighty careful to throw qaround....

    Illegal immigration isn't a joke - which begs the question as to why the anti-immigrants folks ever made it illegal in the first place.

    Oh, yeah, all them nasty Germans and Irish and Catholics and stuff were coming over....

  2. Eh. I'm missing your logic here. This should be a reasoned debate, not a joke presented by a comedian. The whole ILLEGAL thing is the problem, not the immigrant thing. Actually the facts bear out this principle, since many LEGAL immigrants feel the same way as tea partiers...in fact, they ARE tea partiers.
