Saturday, September 11, 2010

Federal employees owe US $1 billion in back taxes

  Here's the idea: as legislators, you write into the law taxes, fines and various fees for the citizens of these United States. 
  Then you implement them through government minion monkey-see, monkey-do monkeys under your purview, who hound American citizens who do not pay or make errors in how much they pay. 
   These American citizens pay the golden pensions, some as high as $1 million, of these government minion monkeys who are hounding the citizens, they pay the golden salaries, golden perks and the monkeys' salaries average twice the salary of the citizens. In addition, some of the government monkeys receive unbelievably high severance pay, as high as $30 million.
  Some of the government monkeys even had tax problems themselves, in figuring out all the rules and nuances of paying the taxes, fines and various fees they had imposed upon themselves, so much so that they didn't pay them, claiming "innocent mistakes" were made by using tax software.
  Some bright guy figured out one day that maybe there were more government monkeys who had "made mistakes" or "forgotten" to pay the taxes, fines and various fees they levied on the populace and tah dah! 
  Numerous names of government minion monkeys popped up! 
  And, oddly, rather than have the fines levied against them or their wages garnished as many citizens' wages would have been, the government monkeys continue their jobs, unpunished, their federal bills unpaid.
  How much money have the government monkeys not paid?
  This includes 41 monkeys persons of integrity working directly under the office of President of the United States, 421 people working in the House of Representatives, 217 in the Senate and on it goes. 
  The worst department by far, however, were the minion monkeys hard-working employees of Homeland Security, a fairly new department. 
  And how much do these employees owe collectively?
  In excess of an astounding $37 MILLION.
  The entire sordid story is found here in the Los Angeles Times by Andrew Malcolm.

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